David Rodríguez-Gil
Momentos de mucha luz
…y me parece increíble tener esa otra manera de ser un ser en este mundo, con la bici.
David Rodríguez-Gil
Momentos de mucha luz…y me parece increíble tener esa otra manera de ser un ser en este mundo, con la bici.
Tania Siglinde Ortiz Díaz
Percibir la ciudad en su flujo sanguíneoLa bici es como una metáfora de cosas mucho más profundas de mi vida. En pocas palabras, me dio un sentido como de radar, de brújula y de norte.
© 2021 (re)Ciclarse en la ciudad / (re)Cycling the Self in the City. All rights reserved. The use of any material contained in this website requires written authorization. Plaese contact us.
Many of the photos posted on this site were shoot on public spaces. Despite our best efforts to always obtain the consent of anyone identifiable in photos, it may happen that we inadvertently post a photo of someone who does not wish to appear here. We apologize to that person in advance and ask that you let us know so we can remove them immediately.
This project is made with the support of:
York University
Glendon College
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Global Affairs Canada